The first light and airy preset, Fuji 400h is the preferred film stock for wedding and family photographers. You can pull your shadows up in post and you will afford yourself the proper exposure to really showcase those golden tones in the highlights like you see in some of these images. Mastin Labs Fuji Original Styles for Capture One are perfect for achieving a light and airy look for natural-light sessions and outdoor photos. I’m certainly not suggesting taking you subjects silhouettes for the sake of a properly exposed sky however maybe leave some room in the highlights by under exposing just a bit….and I mean just a bit. Camera sensors nowadays in my experience tend to handle shadow recovery much easier than highlight recovery. Now I would suggest you do the same with your digital images however instead of metering for the shadows as we do with actual fuji film I would be more concerned about highlight accuracy and shadow recovery. I’ve had other photographers comment that the image is just blown out and while the image may have an over exposed look you must remember that if this was film we would be most likely over exposing a stop or two and scanning for shadow detail. Don’t forget highlight and shadow details either. I’m looking for pastel flares in my specular highlights with the correct amount of haze. I’m looking for a slight brown and creaminess in the background greens, like a sage color.

I want my Fuji400H greens to have a pastel but less contrasty and more toned down effect.

I’m looking for accurate skin tones and greens. When I’m dialing in my look I’m concerned about a few different elements which all need to compliment one another to pull off what I’m looking for in an image.